Kairos Works
Mar 18th 2019

Uni-thai In Diversi-thai


Have you ever felt like you are running around in circles, going through the same course of life, waiting for something to happen? And that something happens to be a special someone who’s been living ten minutes away from where you are? That’s the story of Liyanto and Vinny.


Liyanto used to pass Vinny’s flat in Sydney every single day on his way to and from work. They were aware of each other’s existence but they never talked or hung out together. They were so close yet so far from each other. It was as if the universe wanted them to wait for the right time to commence their tale. And then an amazing social platform happened, Facebook.


The universe sprinkled magical enchanting dust of curiosity over Liyanto and the rest was history. Liyanto finally asked Vinny to be his friend on Facebook. And she said YES! They began chatting on Facebook constantly. Sure they have never met, but they couldn't deny the chemistry between them. Liyanto craved for more to grow out of those conversations on the World Wide Web.


One day Liyanto couldn't hold his feelings any longer and came to Vinny’s workplace for coffee, dinner and walked her home after the redezvous. It was nice and all but Vinny knew she needed to push Liyanto away so he could pull her closer to him. She was right. She started denying Liyanto’s dinner requests. And Liyanto came closing in, he didn't know that he was starving till he tasted the sweet presence of Vinny. However she may thai and stop him, but he’s got the eye of the thai-ger. Liyanto’s pulling force was so strong and steady that Vinny finally surrender and accepted his dinner request.


That night they discovered that they had so much in common, including their immense love for Thai food, where they grew up, and much more. It was a thai-rrific thaime! Since then they went out more often and gotten so much thai-ghter. In August 2015 they officially became boyfriend and girlfriend.


Although they share a lot in common, they too have differences. But their differences only bring them closer thai-gether.  Through Liyanto and Vinny we learn to always focus on the bright side and move forward with positive-thai. As long as they got each other nothing can stop them. Just as Vinny would say it, “It’s very sweet to see uni-thai in diversi-thai.”

Photo by Klaus Khan

Make Up by Felica Ang

Stylist by Julia Halim

Words by Meiling