Vanessa Husin
Best Choice !!
Kairos udah masuk vendor impian ku dr tahun 2016 !! Akhirnya terwujud juga foto di tahun 2024 ini ❤️
Awlanya kami mau Prewed disumba, tapi akhirnya kami memilih prewed di Rote with Artha ..
Bisa dibilang ini merupakan pilihan terbaik yang kami putuskan !! Gak Nyesel sama sekalihhhh !!
Walau kami itu awam banget dan binggung harus gimana prewed itu, tapi Artha dan team sabar banget jelasinnya dan ngebantuinnya dari meeting awal sampai selesai foto ❤️
Artha dan team juga sangat sangat Friendly ❤️
Selama sesi foto disana Asik, seru dan menyenangkan sekalih ~
Jangan di tanya soal hasilnya .. BAGUS BANGETT !! Dari video BTS ajah uda banyak banget yang muji bagus dan cantik tentunya.. hehehe
Dijamin GAK BAKAL NYESEL DEH pilih Kairos !!
Thank you Kairos Team : Artha , Theo, and Marsella and all team kairos 😘
Thank you juga utk : Syl Makeup, & Fhance
We are glad to have you guys in our journey ❤️

Jevelyn Arnanta
Gagal Move On Dari Amazing Prewedding Session With Kairos
Meeting with Kairos is such a blessing for both of us! Awalnya tuh kita mau cari vendor wedding, but sadly all of the slots have been booked :( PS: so guys book fast biar ga kelewatan! But anyway, we still want our pictures to be taken with Kairos so we took prewedding session in Rote with Artha.
We would say it’s one of the best decision we made! Dari awal meeting discussing about the concept, location, and outfit, Kairos team have been very accomodating, patient, kind and FRIENDLY banget! It’s like talking to friends whom you’ve known for so soo long, yes senyaman itu!
Until the days of the sessions: sesinya seru, nyaman dan seasik itu! Not to mention the results yg super cepet and BAGUS BGT BEYOND WORDS sampe terharu liat nya dan susah move on.
Thank youu Kairos Team: Artha, William, Steven and Marsela! You guys are amazing and we are sooo grateful to have met you and loved working with you!
To other sessions to come :))))
See Richard & Jevelyn Photos
Martin Limonso
Everlasting Memories With Kairos
Terima kasih team Kairos Works yang sudah menjadi bagian di momen spesial kami. Semua bekerja dengan profesional, detail, pengambilan angle yang baik, dan proses editing foto yang rapih, terutama untuk cinematic video yang sangat kami sukai hasilnya.
Suasana yang terbangun juga menjadi fun sehingga membuat kami rilex dan dengan mood baik sepanjang acara.
Sekali lagi terima kasih atas kerja kerasnya dan semoga Kairos semakin maju.
Regards, Martin & Indri
See Martin & Indri Photos
Jessica Budiman
We Loved Working With Kairos Team!
Teruntuk Anton, William, Ci Naomy, dan semua tim Kairos yg bantuin tgl 20 Januari kemaren, thank you banget yaa udah mau mengabadikan wedding kitaaa. We are so happy bisa jodoh sm Kairos dan klop bgt sama timnyaa.
Dr awal prewed smpe skrg selalu sm Kairos hehe. Arahannya clear dan jujur ga dimanis2in kalo angle atau gayanya jelek hahaha. Terus setia bgt ngintilin kita dan ortu kita selama resepsi jadi semua momen bs dapett. Terus yg ngagumin juga, teguh pada prinsip nunggu lampu ruangan dimatiin demi sesi mini studio yg perfect walaupun udh ngaret jadwalnyaa hahaha.
Dari snippet2 foto preview kita udah suka banget sama tone & coloring editnya dan untuk SDE nya juga kita seneng banget karena berhasil capture both esensi klasiknya sambil diinsert komponen2 funnya, persis seperti yang kita mauu.
Sekali lagi thank you so much yaa ♡
See Kevin & Jessica Photos
When Norman and I started to plan our wedding back in 2019, we naturally became a regular attendee of wedding fairs. Despite the massive amounts of vendors, unfortunately, none of them seemed to click with us. They were all kind and nice fellows. But we both believed that photography is not just about clicking a button, we need to feel comfortable and connected with the person behind the lenses.
And our worries went away the moment we met Kairos Works. Meeting Naomy & Artha was like meeting a long-lost friend. You would feel excited and delighted. Right on the very first meeting, we decided that we would have our pre-wedding and wedding documentation sessions with Kairos Works.
Despite having to postpone our pre-wedding due to the pandemic, Kairos Works were very accommodating. They offered solutions that would work both ways.
The results of our wedding day photos and videos were beyond our expectation. Everyone was happy with the result. We didn't specifically request anything because we believed them whole-heartedly, that they would deliver what we wish. Even Artha asked me, “Cath, lo yakin enggak ada request mau foto kayak gimana?” To which, I replied no. Just because how much faith I have in Kairos Works. Thank you Artha, Steven, Theo, and Moses for the amazing work.
We were grateful to have them as a part of our big day, and we were grateful too to find friends in them.
Truly looking forward to our pre-wedding-becomes-post-wedding photo session in Europe with Kairos Works real soon.
Much Love, Norman & Cathy
See Norman & Cathy Photos
Wendy Dyani
Dari pre-wedding, holy matrimony, sampai ke intimate dinner yang semuanya beda tanggal, vendor photo & videonya tetap Kairos! Happy banget sama crew-nya yang super ramah dan helpful, bener2 dari vendor & client bisa jadi temen. Foto dan video dari Kairos betul-betul keren dan memuaskan.
Our NDE and cinematic video captures all the moments perfectly. Our lead photographer was Anton and….. honestly, we couldn’t even picture how happy we were when we first saw the teasers.
Anton has unique style and loves exploring. The end result (especially our intimate dinner photos) was beyond our expectation. Beneran terharu sendiri liatnya.
Thank you, Kairos Works, Anton, Theo, and crews! Truly happy to have you at our wedding. Bakal susah move on nih dari kalian :)
See Errick & Wendy Photos