Kairos Works
Mar 27th 2017

I know this story. It's kind of a funny story.

More than 15 years ago, when both of them were still at a very young age in Junior High School, and it was the time when love might come for the very first time, Vincent wrote a letter. A love letter to a girl named, Jessica. He confessed his feelings to her, about how he loved her and asked her to be his girlfriend. Sadly, Jessica replied "No." She said she didn't have the time for love, and that she didn't have feelings towards Vincent. Plus the fact that they were still very young.

But this rejection didn't make Vincent bury his feelings. He had kept his feelings for many many years. When he thought that it was once again the right time, which was 15 years later, he did it again. He confessed his feelings to her, the same feelings he had 15 years ago, but maybe even stronger.

This is an example of how in time, all feelings can be proven. An example how in time, love conquers all. Time turned a hard "no," to a "yes."