When we think about a wedding, one standout character comes to mind:
The Bride.
Every single detail of the wedding revolves around The Bride. Most frames consist of Bride and her interaction with the rest of the party. It’s her dream come true moment.
But one more lead character is sometimes forgotten:
The Groom.
After all it’s his dream come true too.
He is sometimes placed in the background covered by the gorgeous dress of his beloved.
But a Groom is more than an element.
Here at Kairos Works,
we believe that the Groom plays a key role in creating genuine magical moments.
For all the chivalrous attributes that he embodies, the Groom deserves to also be in a forefront of the photograph.
It takes two flints to create a fire! Therefore we place just as much spotlight on the Groom as we do the Bride.
Our talented artists realize there are many sides to a Groom that need to be exposed.
We are not missing a beat when it comes to capturing the Groom’s wild interaction with his homeboys.
And we are surely not going to miss out on those tender moments a Groom shares with the parents that have raised such a fine gentleman.
A Gentleman is complex.
It is our commitment to give the respect that a Groom deserves.