The Best Is Yet To Come
When plan A does not work, don't worry there is twenty-five more alphabets to choose from. Stay cool because the best is yet to come. That was what we witnessed when Sundoro proposed to Rini in the oh so fun Korea. As a man, Sundoro wanted to be a knight in shining armor and give Rini the most memorable, picture perfect proposal ever. He had a vision to propose to her in front of the carousel decorated with gorgeous lights twinkling behind the carousel. After weeks and weeks of planning and praying, finally the big trip arrived and it was show time!
There they stood in front of the carousel just as Sundoro had envisioned, with all excitement and suspense Sundoro was about to bend on one knee and ask Rini the big question. But to his surprise, a parade started to prance in the direction of his planned location. He had failed to research on the parade schedule in the area. The noise and the sea of people watching were too loud and distracting that it would have ruined the moment for them if Sundoro insisted on proposing there. Finally he decided to save the proposal for a later time and continued to enjoy their holiday.
When his plan took a detour, Sundoro did not fret. He remained calm and steady as a rock. He took the lead and improvised. As they explored and let God guide them, they stumble upon the most gorgeous tulip field imaginable. Even more perfect than what was planned. The parade turned out was a blessing in disguise and worked on his favor.
They had the stunning tulip field all to themselves. It was quiet, it was picturesque, it was just the two of them. “This is it!,” Sundoro thought to himself. With no hesitation, filled with gratitude and awe of His provision, Sundoro proposed to Rini on bended knee in a field straight out of a post card view location. “Will you marry me?”
Ecstatically she said, “YES!”
In life, we are too quick to judge of what God has in store for us. We have too little of faith to trust that God has our best interest at heart. When one door closes, He opens up an even better one for us, the best one. Thank you, Sundoro for teaching us the keys of faith: absolute surrender and a joyful heart at the most difficult of times.