Kairos Works
Oct 21st 2019



(adj) characterized by deep sincerity.

synonyms: sincere, earnest, honest, genuine, committed, unconditional, heartfelt, wholehearted.


Solène is a very special state of mind and being.

Every woman has it, it’s hard to miss but it’s intangible.

It can only be felt. It’s an aura, a radiant one.

It’s like something click inside a woman’s heart and mind

that she’s leaving an old status to gain a new one,

a Mrs.


It’s the way her eyes radiate sincerity, wholehearted commitment and unconditional love that originate from her heart.

It’s in the way she delicately give her hands in marriage to her beloved.

It’s in the way she proclaims her wedding vow with sincere honesty.

It’s in every single way a woman behaves on her wedding day.

All these amazing qualities of a bride are impossible to hide.

You can’t miss it!

And that’s how this photo shoot came to be.


This is our way to pay tribute to a woman’s feminine side on her wedding day.

Whites, pastels, beige are the hues we chose to accentuate the vibe of solène.

There are a certain it factor that does not need too much embellishments.

Words simply can’t describe.

She’s simply so solène!


Solène is the best kind of women you’ll ever meet.

Dress by Cynthia Tan

Photo by Artha The

Muse by Gracia Indri

Make Up by Meica Make Up

Hairpiece by Ayyara

Shoes by Lacies Wedding Shoes

Bouquet by Plum and Peach Floral

Words by Meiling