Kairos Works
Oct 1st 2020

“Peek a Boo”

Peek a Boo, I see you!

Our kids are always cheerful when we use this line. But what would be more fun would be an activity book where they can play mini hide and seek it with themselves!

Little Aiden’s book is a little different from what his parents received. Instead of all the mushy and romantic things that his parents can look back to, his book is a mixture of album and activity book!

His photogenic face would be carefully sewn to the front page of the activity book while in it is things that he can play to – like feeding the animals and even tying his shoe laces. But let’s not forget what the book is supposed to be; memories of Aiden’s photo shoot together with Kairos.

Besides the fun activities, Aiden would also see cartoon illustrations of his family tree along with funny pictures that were taken in the studio atop the fabrics that are hand sewn inside the activity book. It’s an all in one package for little Aiden and we hope that he would choose this book amongst all the other activity books he has!

Concept & Design by Vany Tan

Words by Michael Sung