Kairos Works
Jul 31st 2019

Nine Hundred More Years


Nine hundred nineteen thousand eight hundred and counting

Nine hundred ways to paint their love in everything

Nine hundred nineteen thousand moments of belonging

Nine hundred nineteen thousand eight hundred minutes

Tis how long Ruth knows her King

Tis how we measure twenty-one months full of kisses



It’s funny how sometimes we attempt to guess how love occurs. We humor God with our limited, caged, inadequate minds to formulate a substance that He Himself embodies fully. Love. “Love is a many splendid things.” This is my humble attempt to explain love: some loves may take a while to develop and grow. But some loves find it’s way instantly, mysteriously, deeply.


That is how I’d like to color their journey. “It turns out we shared so many things in common. We went to the same middle and high school; go to the same place of worship. But we have never crossed path until twenty or some months ago at a church event in Padang, Indonesia,” Ruth remembers.  


She was fragile, but he was willing to wait. Their seven-year difference makes King more understanding of how to nurture Ruth’s delicate soul. So Ruth prayed and prayed. And God answered. Yes, he was the one.


“I never thought I would end up with someone like King. I’ve never found older men appealing,” Ruth giggled. But after all, God gives us what we need rather than what we want. So she willingly obeyed. And God was right.


When asked about Ruth’s favorite trait of King, she couldn't pin point. Ruth sees the way King loves her in a lot of things. But most importantly it’s in the way King makes her feel. It’s in the way she could talk about everything without ever saying anything. It’s in the way King understands what a glance means, how a tear breaks her heart, how a stroke of touch communicates. “I know I’ve only known him for twenty one months. But it seems like I’ve known him forever and a day. I’m so glad God surpassed my list of wants and needs and gave King to me,” Ruth shared.


The world may judge that their love journey is still in its infancy. But love isn’t about what is said by society. It's ultimately about how the two lovers in the relationship see the journey. And most importantly, how God sees their journey.


Here’s to nine hundred more years of their love journey.

Photo by Amel Leo

Make up by Florence Kurniawan

Words by Meiling