Kairos Works
Feb 14th 2021

Many couples around the world are in predicament due to all the new rules and regulations placed upon social events, like wedding reception. On such a happy occassion, no doubt everyone would want their loved and dear ones to be there and celebrate the big day together with them. But with the nature of the virus, the policies have hindered many from doing so.⁣

The same thing happened to Nathan and Jennifer in Melbourne, Australia. Originally, planning to return to their home country to host their wedding, they both had to call off their plan because international travels had been banned. Even when flying back home was possible again, there would have yet been other issues they have to overcome.⁣

Fortunately, as time went by, things started to look better. Their plan to get married amidst this pandemic seemed possible. As the Australian Government allowed for weddings to be held and attended by a small number of people, Nathan and Jennifer decided to grab at the chance.⁣

Their wedding might have been smaller and simpler than how they had wanted it to be, but with the support of their close friends there and families back home, who attended the reception through zoom, it was still their big day - one that's worth fighting for.⁣

One that's to be celebrated. One to be remembered.⁣

Photo by Davy Rei

Make Up by Marlene Neysa

Dress by CHERIE by OUI The Label

Flowers by The Petalier

Suit by Peter Jackson Australia

Venue by Flovie Florist Cafe

Words by Tasha Kim