I Know Her That Way
There’s something beautiful about being newlyweds and how they strive to do the best in their journey as husband and wife. Chris and Lucy said their “I do”’s in October 2019 in Melbourne, Australia. Naturally I asked them, “How’s life as a newly wed?” From their responses, I could tell that they’ve been taking in the past five months of marriage with great responsibility, eagerness and passion. “I see our wedding day as a moment of embarkation to our life long journey to know more about each other. There’s more to know, more to do, more to discover together. Just because we got married doesn't mean we stop learning about each other. Instead the real journey just begun on our wedding day,” Chris maturely answered.
In learning come challenges such as finding a common ground for two different characters that have just been an item for a brief moment. Lucy is a bubbly girl who is friendly with strangers. Chris, on the other hand, is a more private guy who will be on guard with unfamiliarity. Automatically these different personalities have their own ways of handling life and its drama.
Differences don't cause disaster, ignorance does. After moments of discussion and observing about each other, they realized one value that glues them together: the love for their families and the hope to be starting their own little family soon. A solid value acts as an anchor in a relationship. No matter what life throws their way, they can always reboot, recalibrate and refocus their attention on what ultimately matters the most: family.
With this level of maturity at the beginning of their marriage, I wonder: what is next for them other than family? What is their goal in life as a unit?
Have you ever seen one of those old couples that are so in sync: they don't have to converse, they don't need to touch, they don't even have to meet; but they know what the other wants and likes. “I wanna know her that way.” That level of intimacy and confidence can only come with an overwhelmingly deep sense of love the ocean will be jealous.
It’s so refreshing hearing their passion for each other. Yes some may say their marriage is still in its infancy. But let’s remember the best moment to build a strong foundation is in the early years of a person’s life. That way, they don't have to readjust to what is “right” cause they’ve been doing it the right way from day one.