Kairos Works
Jul 1st 2019

Go With The Flow


Felix and Mami’s love story is truly one of a kind with the most iconic places as the location of their milestones.


Felix is an Indonesian fellow who loves to travel and is always excited to make new friends. In autumn of 2015 Felix decided to travel to Tokyo and explore. Felix had asked one of his friends who lives in Japan if he knows any local companion to help him explore Tokyo to the fullest. This is when fate came into play. Mami was the God given local Japanese “tour guide” that was going to accompany him that day.


Try as they might but language was one of the issues that they encountered at their first encounter. But that did not stop them from having fun. Because they were lost in translation, they decided to visit the actual place where the movie Lost In Translation was shot in, Grand Park Hyatt Shinjuku and had an awesome romantic dinner there.


The Japan trip ended, but the feelings did not. Felix and Mami kept close contact, they talked and texted daily. It just flows.


Not long after, Mami decided to visit the green rice field island, Bali. Felix chose this opportunity to return the favor and became her companion and showed her around the breathtaking island. Sometimes love is like the wave, we just have to flow with it and let it sway your inhibition. And that’s what they did.


The flow of life took Mami to Singapore in 2016, a place where Felix had been working in since he graduated from university in Jakarta. And they were together at last and officially became a couple.


A year after they started dating, Felix knew that Mami was the one. And the flow was right once again. Mami had planned to go attend her friend’s wedding in Loire Valley in France. Without hesitation, Felix went along the trip and pop the big question in front of the iconic Eiffel Tower. And she said, “YES!”


Felix and Mami’s story has taught me to surrender to the flow of life and hope of the best while also doing what we can to preserve what we have. They have taught me the importance of balance and harmony, and not forcing my idea or plans therefore putting a strain in my relationships. Surrender. Because the wave is going to flow us to the direction where we need to be.

Photo by Artha The

Video by William Ibanez & Aldi Pratama

Edited by William Ibanez

Words by Meiling