Kairos Works
Nov 18th 2019

Communication is Key


Most young women spend endless moments day dreaming of the day a man would serenade her, court her, give all she wants in order to win her heart. Some would even write it on their diaries as a kind of wish list that they desperately hope would come true. But Rica’s experience with Robin beat the fairy tale-like imagination that we all have. Robin did not come to Rica’s dominion on a white horse, a bouquet of flowers, or a box of chocolates. Robin think what most people think wouldn't have worked. He came with the invitation to talk sincerely, honestly, wholeheartedly. 

During the brief moment of our interview I asked her a common question and her answer is far from common, “So how did you become boyfriend and girlfriend?”  Rica replied, “We basically spent some moments to discuss about our future together. If forever is a possibility for our future.” Her response silenced me for a few moments. The scene that she described to me seems too real. I had to recompose myself and ask the next question, “How did he propose?” Rica shook me again, “It was definitely far from a movie-like scene. We did what we’ve been doing all along: talk everything through: our future, our finances and our vision together. Then together we decide we’d rather spend every single moment together than apart.”  

I’m sure all of us have heard this classic advice on how to have an awesome solid relationship: “No matter what the variables may be, communication is key to unlock and maintain a successful relationship.” Robin and Rica swear and live by this motto throughout 3,5 years of being together and their relationship is amazing in every single way. Our short conversation made me realize that not every girl has the same kind of fantasy. Some women may dream a simple dream of comfort. The kind of comfort that doesn't require top-notch service from the other. I’m talking about the kind of comfort where they can just sit next to each other doing absolutely nothing and it’d be the most fun moments. As long as they’re together, that’s all that matters. Rica happens to be one of the modern day princesses who yearn of honest communication and commitment to making it come true. Sometimes real life is better than movies. Why? Cause it’s real! It’s about honesty, it’s solely about you and me.  

Photo by Steven Lee & Artha The

Make Up by Vina Sun

Styled by Julia Halim