My name is Cuddle. Cuddle Pop. I am an adorable spikey fluff. I live with my daddy, Cliff, my mommy, Julia, and five other siblings. I am here today to tell you about something exciting! My new wooden playhouse. Follow me through this log archway! I’ll give you a short tour.
As you can probably see, the walls are seethrough. This way, mommy and daddy can watch us play. Inside the playhouse, the furniture is made out of wood, decorated with a few potted plants and some photos of me and my siblings on the wall.
Do you see the giant wheel? That’s our favorite! We can run in it to keep ourselves in shape.
When our little legs start to get tired from all the cardio, we would go down the basement stairs and take a little nap on the soft grassy floor.
I hear them talking. There is something behind the basement wall. Something me and my brothers and sisters can’t touch. Words on the streets told me that it’s another little room for mommy and daddy to keep some special book. What did they call it? A Lovebook.
Just like my playhouse, their Lovebook has seethrough walls, framed with wood. When they open the walls, there are blush petals stuck on one wall, and a photo of mommy and daddy on another.
Oh! They’re looking at their Lovebook. Don’t tell. I’ll do a little peek to see what’s inside.
There are pictures of mommy and daddy’s best moments and memories; sometimes with words describing the pictures. They look so happy, both in the pictures and in real life as they flip through the pages of the book. Oh hey, there’s me and my brothers and sisters!
Mommy and daddy are wrapping their Lovebook in this cream leather jacket and storing it back next to my basement.
I wonder why they wouldn’t let us touch it? Maybe they don’t want our cute little spikes to stick onto the book? Oh, well. At least I was able to peek at what’s inside.
Well, it’s been an exciting day! That’s pretty much everything about my new playhouse. Thank you for joining my tour. I am a wee bit exhausted from all the excitement. It’s time for me to go back down the grassy basement and take a nap. Good night!